Excel Automation

We Are the Excel & Office Experts

We Build tailor-made Business Solutions to Leverage Microsoft Excel and Microsoft Office.

The automation projects made with VBA Macros are more efficient and more productive. We have tremendous experience creating customized applications that have enabled businesses to replace their old, time-consuming manual procedures with automated systems.


MS Excel & MS Office Automation

MS Excel & MS Office Automationthat turns manual operations that now take hours into those that can be accomplished in seconds.

Custom data Imports/Connections

Custom data Imports/Connections so you can pull data from all different sources into Excel including SQL, Oracle, .CSV and others

Custom Template &Dashboard

Custom Template &Dashboard to show key data points and trends at a glance so you can easily track and display results

Build Multiuser Application

Build Multiuser Application Excel/Access front-end, back-end application for data scalability

Optimizing Existing Application

Optimizing Existing Application improves the performance of existing applications

Web Data Scraping

Web Data Scraping data scrapping from the websites and create excel reports

Data Manipulation, Extraction & Consolidation

Data Manipulation, Extraction and ConsolidationProcessing large volumes of data with formulas and VBA to generate consolidated custom reports

Database Reporting

Database Reporting integrates with another database to create report and analyse data

Data Analysis

Data Analysis find trends in your data using comprehensive data analysis so you can make more informed business decisions

Formula Based Solutions

Formula Based Solutions support to developsolutions on complex scenarios

Additional Features

  • Advanced VBA Programming
  • Excel Macro Development
  • Integrated Charts & Graphs
  • Excel Templates & Functions
  • Data mining & Pivot Reporting
  • Excel User Form Design
  • Pivot Tables &Vlookups
  • Spreadsheet Formatting
  • Excel Databases
  • Database integration: MS Access, SQL Server, Oracle
  • Excel Functions
  • Visual Basic, VBA
  • Data Cleansing
  • Microsoft Office integration – MS Word, Outlook and PowerPoint
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